Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Breather 3 - Obedience does not free us from trials

  Do we wonder at times why obedience seems to bring more trials? Obedience is not a means by which we are spared from trials. The trials of God are a means by which He refines us into a people He can use. They are a tool in His holy hands used to make us humble, teachable, and Christlike. Obedience was never meant to free us from trials, but was meant to bring us the highest quality of growth the Father could give unto his children while they dwelt on the earth.
  If we take that into account then we need not be surprised when our lives seem to get harder as we continuously follow the council of the Lord. We do not know exactly how far the Lord is going to lead us before we are lead out of a particular trial, but He leads us onward through the path of most growth, and most development. However if we let go of His hand and step off the trail he is leading us down, we at times will unknowingly increase the difficulty, pain, and frustration that a trial would have otherwise brought to us. And in so doing we delay the growth that would have come if we had simply remained on the road the Lord was leading us down. Once we step off the path we must first find out way back to the path, or push through pain thorn covered path till we find our way out of the trial. The Lord will follow behind us till we are ready to turn to Him, and ask Him to lead us back to the path He was originally leading us down. Remember that growth is the witness that comes after the trial of our faith. But the duration of that trial is largely on our shoulders, and it is not simply extended by God with Him intending for it to be the length it is. Let us do what we can to not delay the growth He intends for us, nor to lengthen a trial that needed not be lengthened.
  But what happens at those times where we are already doing all in our power to follow Him, and to remain on that path? We need to remember that we do not travel this life alone. Our choices affect others, and their choices affect us. There will always be something trying to push us off the road. Yet all we can do, and the one thing we must do, is hold fast to the hand of Jesus and follow Him down the road He would lead us down.
  As we learn about Him we will learn that He is “meek, and lowly of heart.” Is is because of this that His burden is easy, and that His yoke is light. It is why He is able to help us carry our own. How great would the easiness of the way be if WE learned how to be meek and lowly of heart! How light would that yoke be! (notice those are not questions) If we learn to be submissive, and learn to be meek and lowly of heart we will see that through the growth the Lord would have us do, that our burdens will be easier, and our yokes will be lighter. Hold fast to the hand of Christ, learn of Him, and be like Him. And be easy to be taught by His holy spirit.

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