Saturday, June 16, 2012

Breather 1 - Spirit and Letter of the Law

Talk I'm giving in church tomorrow. I don't count this as a Step blog post, but a breather between steps. That's because I didn't intend for this to be a blog post right off the bat, but still wanted to share it. The ones I plan to do are the steps.


Since we have been talking about the various sections of “For the Strength of Youth,” I am speaking on the Spirit of the Law, and the Letter of the Law, and how we apply them in our lives.

For my talk I will actually be discussing three things: The Spirit of the Law, the Letter of the Law, and the “The Interpretation of the Law.”

So then what is the Spirit of the law? It consists of at least three parts, and they work in a pattern. The first is the Spirit of the Law is the reason for which our Father has given us the law. The laws He gives us are meant to bring us closer to Him, and to help us exercise faith in the atonement of His son, Jesus Christ by keeping them. As a result of our acting in faith we are cleansed from our impurities, and we learn to gradually take upon us the qualities of Christ.
The second is our intent for keeping the law. Why do you keep it? Or do you choose to keep it? Do you know what the laws are? These are questions we should all be asking ourselves regularly. In order to gain a testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the restoration of the Gospel, we had to do just that, we had to ask questions, and we had to take them to the Lord so that He could teach us through His Spirit that these things were indeed true. That testimony does not automatically grant us a testimony for every piece of doctrine we will go on to learn from that point forward. Yes, at times we will hear things that we do know are true immediately and we accept it as such. But there will also be times where you will be taught something, and you will wonder why that law is given, or what that piece of doctrine is what it is.
In order to properly understand it, you must study it out, and take it to the Lord. Line upon line, precept upon precept He will reveal the purposes of His laws unto you, the reason He has given them to us, and how to best apply them in our individual lives. That testimony of His laws that we gain little by little will fill us with desire, it will fill us with the right intent for seeking to follow Him, and will give us the strength to keep His laws.
The third part of the Spirit of the Law is the pattern I mentioned. When we seek to have the presence of the Holy Ghost in our lives, who testifies of the truth of our Father's laws, the Holy Ghost then brings us to the law. Then we have the option to choose to keep the law. As we choose to keep the law, and do so to the best of our abilities, we open a door in our lives that allows us to receive more guidance through the Spirit or the Lord, and to also receive a greater portion of His Spirit in our lives. The Spirit teaches us new things about the law, and about ourselves. Line upon line. And as we are taught, the Spirit then brings us back to the law. This process of receiving the spirit, keeping the law, learning from the spirit, and being brought back to the law is one we will spend the rest of our lives working. But that's a good thing, because as I said, it opens the door in our live for us to be taught by the Spirit.

The Letter of the Law:
We know the letter of the law to be the actual laws God has given us. You could even call it simply the literal wording. I think too often in the church we get into the pattern of thinking that “Spirit of the Law” is good, “Letter of the law” is less good. But that is not the case at all. The Lord has said in DC 1:38, “What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself; and though the heavens and the earth pass away, my word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice of by the voice of my servants, it is the same.” We know that in some cases, we can take the word “word” as in this verse, and the word law applies to it. It would then read, “and though the heavens and the earth pass away, my law shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled.” In Abraham 3:17 we read, “...and there is nothing that the Lord thy God shall take in His heart to do but what he will do it.
We can be sure then of this: The Lord does not give us laws without expecting us to keep them. The keeping of the laws of God is one of the very reasons we are here, as stated in Abraham 3:25 where it reads, “We will prove them herewith, to see if they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command them.”
Think of your baptismal covenants. And for those of you who are endowed your temple covenants. Each of you entered into those with the intent to keep the laws associated with that ordinance, you entered into a covenant to keep them. Think of the sacramental prayer which has that line, “That they are willing to take upon them the name of thy Son, and always remember Him, and keep his commandments which He has given them, that they may have thy Spirit to be with them.” How can the Lord place His name upon us unless we do His works, and keep His laws? How can we have the Spirit with us unless we keep the laws we have been given, and open the door for the Spirit to enter into our lives? Our goal as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ is to become as He, and our Father in heaven are. That is not something that should leave our lips lightly. Think about that and what it means. In order to accomplish such a monumental task, a great deal of effort must be done on our part. But the instruction to fulfill that comes little by little. And it starts simply with this: With observing the things the Lord has already given us so that we can learn more through His spirit. It begins with the basics, and the Lord begins to enlighten our minds and our understanding from there. And as we observe this, the letter of the law, the Spirit of the law becomes the driving force of our lives. The Spirit of the Law is the instruction and guidance that comes to us from our Heavenly Father, through His spirit, as we keep the letter of the law. For no blessing can come unless the law it is predicated upon is first kept: and the receiving of the Spirit in our lives is such a blessing.

I will now speak on the third type of law observance I mentioned:
“Interpretation of the Law”
I have heard often from members of this church, “I am more of a Spirit of the law type of person.” And there is nothing wrong with this if it is in the manner I have spoken on. But it is regularly applied in peoples' lives differently. Often it is applied as a means of justifying ourselves so that we do not have to keep the laws which have been given in the way the Lord has given them to us, usually because
a) The law itself feels unclear to us,
b) We don't understand the law as well as we need to.

As I thought about an example to give concerning this I decided to use the commandment, “Keep the Sabbath day holy.” Ponder that for a bit: How do we in fact keep something Holy? For myself the answer is this: by creating an atmosphere in which the Spirit of the Lord may be freely maintained, and is welcomed.” If we then go home after church and begin to do things that immediately chase the Spirit away, then I would ask of you, is the day still a Holy one? But again that is how I keep this law. It can be hard, because if you simply take the words of the law which simply state, “Keep the sabbath day holy,” then it really does feel unclear and leaves room for interpretation.
The letter of the law can be summed up briefly as this: Do not shop or go out to eat on Sundays, avoid worldly things, spend time with family, go home or visiting teaching, that Sunday is from 12am to 12am the next morning, and so forth. And that is also something I try to do, but one of the very things Christ was trying to teach the Jews during His own ministry was the deadness of the law if it was kept without doing so to make use of the atonement of Christ, and the need for believing on the Son of God. To Nicodemus the Lord taught in John 3, “He that believeth in him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.” Evil here does not simply mean evil, it means worldly. It means choosing the things of the ways of the world over the way God has asked us to do things.
If we want to Spirit to testify to our Father that we do indeed love Him, we need to keep the laws which He has given us, and observe them in the manner He meant for us to observe them. The letter of the law was always meant to be observed, but in the way God meant for us to observe them, and not as man meant for us to observe them.
To the Samaritan lady Jesus taught: “The hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him... and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.”

Brothers and Sisters, let us remember to keep the truth of the law, or the letter of the law, that we may receive the Spirit and keep the Spirit of the law. And let us not interpret the laws to our own condemnation. Think about your habits, and your lives, and what you can do to change to better choose to be a follower of Christ, and to maintain His spirit always in your lives. Cut out the things you need to, and add to your lives the things you need to. If the Father seeketh such to worship Him, then let us choose – to – be such a people. So think about these things, and think about the “For the Strength of Youth” talks which have been given, and about the Honor Code which you have agreed to, and do those things so the Lord can guide you and give you His Spirit, and do them in the Lords way.

I know that as I have worked to keep the commandments of God in my life that I have felt His spirit, and He teaches me how to better keep His laws and be as He is. I know I have felt an increased presence of His spirit in my life as I have learned, and continue to learn how to follow Him. I know that Jesus Christ lives, and that if we do these things, we shall draw closer to Him.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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