Sunday, June 3, 2012

Step 1 - This is who I am.

I think I may try blogging again.

I'm not really sure what purpose I will put behind it. Maybe to share thoughts. I'm not looking for a place to vent. I've decided life is hard enough without my having to share my troubles with others. But perhaps in sharing the things I enjoy about my life, and the things I learn from my troubles will be a better route.

The Lord has given me much. I have a lot to be grateful for. I can't say I ever go to bed unhappy to have the life I do. Yes there are days I go to bed unhappy the day played out the way it did, but I am never unhappy to life the life I do, or to have the life I have. I wouldn't want that to be any other way.

I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.I am 26, soon to be 27. My name is Samuel Reyes. I'm currently a Fine Art major at Brigham Young University Idaho, hoping to graduate in a couple of semesters. I served my mission in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin mission from 2004-2005. And I've held many an odd job. Once I graduate from here I plan to pursue and obtain a PhD in Far Eastern and Hebrew. I would like to be a religion teacher with personal emphasis in Old Testament and Hebrew, and teach college level religion courses. Chances are I'll end up teaching right here in Rexburg.

I know the Lord has blessed me, and I learn by His spirit. I feel privileged to be where I am today, and to learn the things I am learning, both scholastically and spiritually. I hope to share things I've learned as I go forward. I figure if I am going to be a teacher, why not start with a place to start sharing things I am learning myself, and I can do that here.

I know that Jesus Christ is the son of God, our eternal Father, who died and atoned for all mankind, that if we should choose to follow Him and do what He has asked of us, we may return to live with them. I know that the Book of Mormon is true, and that is has been translated by the gift and power of God through a modern prophet named Joseph Smith, for the purpose of convincing all men that Jesus IS the Christ, the son of God, and that we can return to live with them. I know the Bible is true, and I am grateful for that sacred record which contains the ancient covenants and dealings of God with the people of the Jews and their forefathers, and above all, it's sacred record of the life of the Lord Jesus Christ. And I stand firm in declaration of the truth of these things, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.


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